Madison Community Services is pleased to acknowledge the following funders and donors. We thank these government ministries and agencies, corporations and individuals alike. It is through their kind and generous support that we are able to serve our clients effectively.
At the same time, we are always open to other donors, corporate sponsors and government funders who feel a social responsibility to the greater community, and who wish to have their commitment be known by sponsoring one of our programs. We are actively seeking such individuals and organizations to Adopt-a-Program, in much the same way some of our donors already have. Or you might work with us to create a new program that fulfills a need experienced by our clients. It is only through joint collaborations between Madison and government, corporate and individual that Madison Community Services may fully realize its mission: to promote the independence, health, recovery and community integration of people with mental health and/or addictions challenges.

Ontario Ministry of Health (MOH)

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)

Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network (TCLHIN)

City of Toronto, Shelter, Support, and Housing Administration (SSHA)
City of Toronto, Housing Secretariat

United Way of Greater Toronto (UWGT)

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)

Habitat Services
Corporate Donors

Equitable Bank

Second Harvest
Major Individual Donors
- Ron Ballantyne
- William MacLean
- Toronto Friendship Centre