Mental Health Case Management Program
Madison provides comprehensive recovery- based case management services to over 500 clients with mental health challenges from diverse backgrounds. Although Madison serves a wide range of individuals, we have also honed our expertise to meet gaps in the mental health system, such as services to newcomers, to Spanish speaking clients and to clients who require high support.
Madison Case Managers focus on identifying clients’ needs and set goals to ensure social determinants of health are being addressed and supported through advocacy, communication, education, facilitation, and identification of appropriate resources.
If you are interested in our mental health case management services, please click here to apply through The Access Point (Toronto’s centralized waitlist). If you would like to receive service from us, you can add Madison Community Services as one of your preferred agencies on the application form.
Client Testimonials
Madison and its caseworkers have seen me through some very difficult times. My caseworker helps me clarify and overcome my challenges, celebrates my victories and advocates on my behalf. The staff are unfailingly kind and helpful.
Workers are very friendly, kind and dedicated in helping us obtain our individual goals – and often go out of their way to encourage, support and help us achieve our goals.
Madison Community Services, and my Case Manager there, have stood by me, they have had my back, from the time I reached out in my desperate situation. They helped me to re-settle, and ultimately, to begin to thrive. Madison has helped me to integrate as a contributor to society. It feels great to feel socially included and valued, rather than othered!! I’m smiling a lot these days. Even standing with better posture: through immense and unwavering support, Madison Community Services has been a stronghold in my recovery.
My worker is always there to help me in any situation.